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Welcome to Table Flip.

Data engineering and analytics support for progressive campaigns, nonprofits, and philanthropies.

Data shouldn’t be a bottleneck.

Let’s face it: We didn’t all join the progressive space to wrangle messy spreadsheets all day. When things are working correctly, data helps inform decision-making. When things aren’t working correctly, staff can sink hours of time into getting the information they need to do their actual jobs. That frustration can be enough to make you want to flip a table.

Stop flipping tables. Let us flip them for you.

Table Flip Analytics specializes in creating sustainable and scalable processes to manage data, tailored to your organization’s needs, resources, and structure. From cleaning up messy spreadsheets, to creating interactive reports, to implementing fully automated data pipelines, and everything in between, we’ve got you covered.

 Trusted by

Table Flip managed a seamless data warehouse migration from Amazon Redshift to Google BigQuery.

  • Worked with technical and non-technical stakeholders to set ETL schedules and refactor infrastructure to ensure all downstream needs were supported, while minimizing costs.

  • Translated, refactored, and optimized 1,000s of lines of SQL views and workflows between Redshift and BigQuery SQL dialects. These workflows had been written and maintained previously by more than a dozen full time data and technology staffers.

  • Resulted in zero downtime for mission-critical processes, greater than 95% cost savings, and able to operate without any full time data or tech staffers.

Table Flip unified data across several sources to identify the best phone numbers for every voter and campaign contact.

  • Standardized and combined billions of rows of phone source data across a national voter file and several organizing and digital organizing tools.

  • Standardized and combined millions of rows of calling and texting results across several digital tools.

  • Conceived and implemented business logic to rank all phone numbers on file for all person records in client's national voter file and CRM based on source quality, modeled phone quality scores, and results of first-party contact attempts across multiple channels and tools.

  • Project immediately replaced several ad-hoc methods of phone selection across a team of more than 40 data staffers and led to improved contact rates organization-wide.

Table Flip standardized and streamlined outbound list generation.

  • Created and maintained a checkout system to track all outbound calling and texting lists across a team of dozens of data staffers to improve contact rates and recipient experience.

  • Designed and implemented shared tooling to automate list hygiene, provide point-and-click access to commonly-used filters, and dynamically prepare results for export to several different engagement platforms.

  • Created an interactive script template to split up large audience files into several smaller files based on column data and/or record counts and to automatically deliver output files directly to stakeholders.

  • Combined all of the above to allow non-technical digital organizing staff to pull geographically targeted lists from a master universe on-demand without the need for any human intervention by data staffers.

  • System was implemented nationwide and used to generate millions of peer-to-peer calls and texts to voters and other supporters.