Joshua Matfess

Principal, Founder


Josh is the principal and founder of Table Flip Analytics. From the D.C. statehood movement to presidential campaigns, He got his start as a volunteer and has held positions in campaign scheduling, operations, organizing, and data. he always keeps end users top of mind -- whether they are voters, volunteers, campaign staff, or leadership -- and communicates effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders to provide value quickly.

Josh has an interdisciplinary B.A. from American University in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government.

Starting in college and continuing after undergrad, Josh cut his teeth interning with Ed Markey's 2014 U.S. Senate election, writing memos for the scheduling team for the 2016 Clinton campaign in New Hampshire, running paid canvasses in New York City, organizing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania Democratic Committee and later the statewide coordinated campaign, and finally managing a region of central and western PA the size of Connecticut.

After a year of health care advocacy and online community management at Community Catalyst, Josh became the data director for Elizabeth Warren's 2018 U.S. Senate re-election. He was the first Data & Analytics team hire on Senator Warren's presidential exploratory committee after the National Data Director, and continued to support analytics, digital organizing, and states projects and infrastructure throughout the campaign.

Josh stayed on as the Data & Analytics Lead for Warren Democrats, supporting progressive candidates and causes across the country, for the rest of the 2020 cycle and founded Table Flip during this time.

“Yard signs don’t vote. Especially the ones I’m using as my desk.” - Joshua Matfess 2018