Areas of Expertise

    • The full suite of NGPVAN products, including extensive experience with Votebuilder, NGP8, and EveryAction. Database replica, administrator, and user experience with all core features and most major add-on packages, including Online Actions and Forms, MiniVAN manager, Distributed Canvassing, Street Team, Targeted Email, Voter Registration, Predictive Dialer, Robocalling, and more.

    • Predictive and peer-to-peer calling platforms, including extensive database replica, administrator, NGPVAN integration, and user experience with HubDialer, ThruTalk, and VAN Predictive Dialer.

    • Peer-to-peer texting and blast SMS products, including extensive database replica, administrator, NGPVAN integration, and user experience with Hustle, ThruText, Spoke and various derivatives, MobileCommons, and Strive Digital.

    • Extensive experience with other platforms in the progressive ecosystem, including Blue State Digital’s CRM, emailer, and signup form modules, Mobilize America’s event management platform, New/Mode’s advocacy and civic engagement platform, and more.

    • Amazon Redshift and related products, including extensive experience with the Civis Platform.

    • Google BigQuery and related products, including extensive experience with Google Data Studio and the DNC’s data infrastructure.

    • Snowflake

    • Automated reporting via integrations with Civis Platform, Google BigQuery (Connected Sheets), and custom connections built with Apps Script.

    • Master-level knowledge of built-in functions and features, including Array Formulas, interactions with Google Forms, Pivot Tables, formatting, Sheet and Range Protection, Data Validation, Conditional Formatting, Filter Views, and more.

    • Created scripts to implement a wide assortment of custom functions, send automated email based on complex Sheet conditions, and spawn templated copies of Sheets on-the-fly.

    • Years of experience working with (and without) vendors to understand their data schemas, including reverse engineering database relationships.

    • Unified data modeling across nearly a dozen tools for integration into a client’s primary CRM.

    • Unified data modeling across two disparate application platforms with a global user base, including adjusting for failed attempts at standardization by the initial developers.